Saturday, September 17, 2011

DO YOU KNOW????!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, a LOT of folks didN'T like my last idea--but, I bet SOMETHING like that WOULD/SHOULD WORK, oh, well........

I've been reading all the books on HEAVEN I can find/get my hands on/download on my NEW KINDLE--gift from last Christmas that I just LOVE!!!!!!!!!

And, one thought that came to me the other night is: DO YOU KNOW THE ONE QUESTION that we ask ourselves & each other--even strangers--NOW, in THIS WORLD/ON EARTH that we WON'T EVER NEED TO ASK IN HEAVEN?????????

........scroll on down,

........keep scrolling,


"WHAT TIME IS IT?"--RIGHT? RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!--just THINK HOW MUCH 'time' we do have, now, that we WASTE by asking & especially WONDERING WHAT TIME IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!! RoRo