Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I have been thinking about 'this one' for over a month or more & it's kinda short, but STILL VERY IMPORTANT, I think:

"IT MATTERS WHO SAYS SOMETHING"--I re-discovered this at Tony Gonzalez's Charity Dinner & Auction about 6 weeks ago. He & ALL the other CHIEFS players who were there were VERY NICE to all of us 'fans' & were making PICTURES with ALL OF US with NO FUSS!!!!!!!!

They just weren't giving out ANY autographs, which is no big deal to me--I'd MUCH RATHER have a PICTURE made WITH THEM!!!!!!!!! In fact, Donnie Edwards--MY FAVORITE PLAYER--made OUR picture HIMSELF--because his arms are PLENTY long enough!!!!!!!!! And, I got to VISIT with him for over 10 minutes TWO different times that night!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think he MIGHT even REMEMBER me, now!!!!!!!!! MEETING HIM MADE MY NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LJ--Larry Johnson, our GREAT Running Back, was also there & I got a picture with him--I had met him before, but not had a picture made with him--he even had on a colorful tie & I told him his Mother WOULD BE PROUD of how he looked/was dressed!!!!! He's EXTRA SHY!!!!!!!!--I think, now, THAT'S WHY he doesn't talk with reporters most of the time!!!!!!!!!

Of course, I also had my picture made with Tony G & Wanda, from Larry's work--Tony is HER favorite player!!!!!!!!! Will Shields came in later, but wasn't quite as friendly that night--our Team was 0 - 2 at that time. THEN, as we were eating in the BIG Ball room, JARED ALLEN came in & I went back & had my picture made with him, ALSO--he's a GIANT & SO NICE!!!!!!!!!--AND SOBER, which is GREAT for him!!!!!!!!!--should HELP keep him OUT of 'trouble'!!!!!

Anyway, when we were all still standing out in the hallway & about halfway through ALL the picture taking, a smallish man came up to me & said: "They've asked that YOU don't make ANY MORE pictures"--well, since folks were STILL making pictures, I didn't pay ANY attention to him & made some more, just of Tony STANDING THERE, by himself--AND, the man CAME UP TO ME--no one else that I ever saw--and SAID THE SAME THING, AGAIN--THAT TIME I asked him: "JUST WHO ARE YOU?" And, he said he was WITH the Charity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, obviously, my POINT IS THIS: IT DIDN'T MATTER WHAT HE WAS SAYING, BECAUSE HE HAD NO AUTHORITY OVER ANYONE/ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And, I was not getting in ANYONE'S WAY--I never did figure out WHY he ONLY approached me with that statement!!!!!

ALWAYS HAS, ALWAYS WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SO, as I learned, AGAIN, that night--IT MATTER "WHO" is SAYING "WHAT"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That small man was TRYING to assert his authority over me, but ONLY GOD HAS AUTHORITY OVER ME--AND ALL OF US, FOR SURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a VERY GOOD 'thing' to be REMINDED OF!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I haven't been able to get this night/happening out of my mine, so I just HAD to pass it on!!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2007


She's got a NEW BOOK just 'out' entitled 'THANK YOU POWER' that talks about HOW MUCH HAPPIER you will/can be WHEN you are MORE grateful/THANKFUL!!!!!!!!!

She did/does have a lot of 'Scientific' stuff/FACTS in there--that I didn't/wouldn't have access to, yet, but THE IDEA was the SAME as my LAST BLOG--we are/will be HAPPIER the more THANKFUL/GRATEFUL TO GOD we are for ALL OUR BLESSINGS!!!!!!!!!

How about that????!!!!!!!!!!!!! She was just on "Hannity & Colmes" (sp?)--Alan, anyway, saying that we ALL need to be MORE Thankful/Grateful for the 'LITTLE things' in our lives & I TOTALLY AGREE with her!!!!!!!!!!! In fact, if we're not TRYING to be AWARE of them, they'll just PASS US BY & we won't even RECOGNIZE/ACKNOWLEDGE them that they are/WERE EVEN IN OUR LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, I'm looking forward to buying & reading her book & gaining even MORE knowledge about it all!!!!!!!!! And, you just might WANT TO, TOO--that's WHY I wrote THIS blog!!!!!!!!

Last weekend most of our family met in Branson, MO, for a 'BD BASH WEEKEND' for ME--I'll be '55' on the 9th, next Tuesday, and my parents 'hosted' us ALL--9 adults & 3 children--at their Time Share there. We had a WONDERFUL TIME visiting & catching up & now, THIS WEEKEND, our youngest son, Matt & his GREAT Wife, AJ, and their FANTASTIC son, Adam, are coming HERE to visit & go to the Chiefs/Jacksonville Game on Sunday with us--So, I've got ANOTHER SUPER WEEKEND ahead of me & am ALREADY VERY THANKFUL & GRATEFUL for it/them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU, GOD, for my GREAT LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And, for ALL OUR HEALTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Well, I'm BACK--sorry for not blogging for so long--but, part of my reason is that we've been "OUT OF THE COUNTRY"--we spent a week with our best friends in Cabo San Lucas, MEXICO!!!
This was the closest COLOR I could pick that matched the water/Ocean/SEA OF CORTEX, there.

And, it was WONDERFUL--so far, MY ALL-TIME BEST VACATION--so, I would definitely recommend it to ANYONE!!! Larry thought things/food were too expensive, but the most expensive things were at the CostCo Store, there--go figure??!!!!! A flat of water was like $33!!!!

Besides the GORGEOUS SCENERY--our Condo/balcony was RIGHT ACROSS from the rocks that form the 'El Arco' that's the FAMOUS ARCH at the VERY end of the pennisula, there, and you CAN'T drive to it--you can ONLY get to it by boat or jet ski!!!

So, we got our closest to it on a SUNSET Dinner Cruise that was just FANTASTIC--with great food & entertainment--singing & dancing--2 different Mexican couples who were GREAT!!!!!
And, then we got CLOSE-UPs of the ARCH!!!!! SO VERY NEAT!!!!

Every day & LOTS of times DURING every day we were there I THANKED GOD for letting me be able to visit such a WONDERFUL CREATION of HIS & then, as folks waited on us & we took taxis to & from our GREAT HOTEL--Villa Del Palmar--I always THANKED those guys, so I found myself THANKING someone LOTS of times EVERY DAY & now that I'm back home.......

I've been thinking about that & WONDERING if in DOING THAT is PART of what made that vacation SO SUPER!!!!!!!!! Have you read the article on 'BEING GRATEFUL' in the most recent 'Reader's Digest'? It's titled--"How the New Science of THANK YOU Can CHANGE YOUR LIFE"--and, then on the front it's 'under' "The MOST IMPORTANT WORDS YOU'LL SAY TODAY"!!!!!

The BEST part of the article, I thought, was where it listed ALL the THINGS being GRATEFUL will do FOR YOU--You'll FEEL BETTER, be MORE OPTIMISTIC, be MORE ENERGETIC, be MORE DETERMINED, be MORE INTERESTED, be MORE JOYFUL, will exercise MORE & have FEWER ILLNESSES!!!!!!!!!

So, besides sin & EVIL being in our world, maybe the ones of us who are TRYING to be 'GOOD' SHOULD ALSO REMEMBER TO BE MORE THANKFUL/GRATEFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything we have/will have/have had COMES FROM OUR GOD--even the air we breathe!!!!!!!!!

So, my challenge to you, TODAY, is to consciously REMEMBER to be MORE THANKFUL EVERY DAY!!!!!!!!! It will MAKE YOUR LIFE HAPPIER--whether you're in CABO or not!!!!!!!!!

And, I would LOVE to hear back from you, after you've done this, to see just HOW it CHANGES YOUR LIFE--for the BETTER!!!!! MUCH LOVE, MamaRose

Friday, June 22, 2007


My hubby & I were eating out the other night & had some 'Quisedillas' (sorry if that's spelled wrong) & he said--'WE COULD DO THESE'--AT HOME!!! So, we tried, for the first time, the other night & they were GREAT!!!

He found some 'HOMEMADE' Flour Tortillas at our Grocery Store (which were a BIT harder to separate, but tasted MUCH BETTER than the 'regular' kind). He then cooked up 3 Chicken Breasts & cut them up; and, then we had 3 different shredded cheeses, of course; but he also layered some 'Sun-Dried Tomato Spread' from California on them; and then he added jalapenos to his & I put green olives on mine & cooked them in the oven--YUM! YUM!!

We forgot to put anything on the top of them & he says he would have liked some Olive Oil brushed on the tops of his & when I warmed my leftovers up, I put some butter & then more CHEESE on top of mine & they were EVEN BETTER than the ones you get in the Best Mexican Restaurants!!!!!!! And, they were BETTER the 2nd day, like Lasagne is.

Really EASY & pretty cheap & VERY nutritious & HOMEMADE--you can't get better than HOMEMADE, right??!!!!! I just HAD to pass this on--TRY THEM--THEY'RE REALLY GOOD!!!!! I would think even the YOUNGER kiddos would like them--put their favorite toppings in there.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I was looking for some more Dishwashing Detergent--for the sink/by hand--the other day & 'FOUND' some 'NEW' DAWN 'Siimple Pleasures' that has an BUILT-IN Air Freshener in the bottom of the bottle.

I bought the 'APPLE & PEAR' fragrance & I just LOVE IT!!!!! I didn't use to KEEP my dishwashing liquid UP/by my sink, BUT I DO NOW, because it makes OUR WHOLE KITCHEN SMELL SO FRESH, LIKE FRUIT!!! It's the GREEN one & STILL is 'hard' on GREASE!!!

I forget the other choices of fragrance, but I do remember there were choices, and I can tell you, the 'APPLE & PEAR' one is SUPER!!
Much Love!!!!!

Thursday, June 14, 2007


I read recently about Eva Longoria (the 'Desperate Housewife' who is about to marry Tony Parker, from the SA Spurs, ON 7/7/07--neat, huh??!!!) that she never has ANY problem falling asleep because she cleans her face with a 'Facial Sauna' before going to bed.

So, I've been looking for ONE OF THOSE & finally FOUND ONE at 'Bed, Bath & Beyond' the other day--it's called: "Revlon's Ionic Hot and Cold FACIAL SAUNA/SPA" & IT WORKS--not only does it CLEAN YOUR FACE--all the dirt comes out & in a very SHORT amount of time, it makes your pores smaller, then; AND helps you fall asleep FASTER because you're MORE RELAXED!!!--VERY NEAT, huh???!!!!!

The cost is VERY reasonable--something like $30--I just HAD to pass this on, since I LOVE mine so much, ALREADY==ENJOY!

Monday, June 11, 2007


Just the other day at the Grocery Store, I was finished shopping & walking to my vehicle--a 1999 Isuzu RODEO--(that I've had for quite a few years, now)--and, it's RED--a 'dark' red--and, as I was trying to OPEN MY DOOR--to unload my groceries--I realized my/the door WASN'T opening & I looked inside & saw a DIFFERENT interior for the seats AND there were papers on the 'passenger' seat, which I did not leave in MY Rodeo, so I LOOKED UP & MY Rodeo was 2 MORE spaces down/over & in between them, on the opposite/facing side was ANOTHER, RED RODEO, JUST LIKE MINE--so, there were 3 of them IN A ROW--(and mine was the 3rd one!)!!!!!!!!! I had NEVER seen that before--3 RED RODEO'S IN A ROW & may never again, but it was QUITE NEAT!!!!!!!!!!

Also, I have noticed recently that there is the CUTEST, dark Gray, Carin Terrier that lives on the CORNER of 143rd & Mur-Len in our town & he's usually OUT in his BIG back yard RUNNING around & he is SO VERY CUTE running--I think his legs are shorter than both our Carin's--and, besides being SMALLER than our Opie--WHO'S BD IS TODAY, the 12th--HAPPY BIRTHDAY, OPIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!--he looks just like him. He is SO CUTE running around in his back yard that every time I pass that intersection, I 'look' for him & HE MAKES ME SMILE & LAUGH OUT LOUD!!!!!
He's just THAT CUTE!!!!!!!!!

And, on the way home, today, I saw another doggie being walked by his 'Mama' & I think he was a PUPPY--one of those 'Rat Terrier's' maybe--that are all white except for one brown spot around ONE EYE, you know???!!!!!!!!! I bet he didn't weigh 3 pounds!!!!!!!! He was SO CUTE!!!! Almost looked MORE like a 'RAT'--HA!!!!!

So, BE SURE to keep LOOKING AROUND you, as you're driving--and, still BE SAFE, of course--and SEE what's "OUT THERE" to amuse us & make us SMILE & BE HAPPY!!!!!!!! I've certainly gotten/SEEN 'my share' lately & wanted to pass it on to all of you. One place we normally DON'T LOOK UP AT much is OUR SKY, especially AT NIGHT--try that!!!!!!!!! MUCH LOVE!!!


'Oh Happy Day' or 'I'm NOT that far OFF'!!!!! All could be good titles for this post about my recent LASIKS SURGERY on both eyes. That last one is an EXACT QUOTE from my Dr. Grin--I know I told him he SHOULD have been an DENTIST--& he's going to have 2 kids become doctors, but they're NOT going to be Dentists, EITHER!!! I also asked him IF I could have that typed out & SIGNED by him!!!!!
The surgery itself went SUPER--only just a bit 'UNcomfortable' & my left eye NEVER hurt, AT ALL--isn't that AMAZING?!! My right eye FELT like I could FEEL where the first 'cut' went in--maybe just a tad too deep??? But, it went away & I was TOTALLY PAIN FREE in 2 DAYS--not bad, huh?!!
I can see our clock, at night & during the daytime, FROM our bed--YEA!!!!!!!!! Although, I don't wake up much during the night to want to know--it's a GOOD THING!
My eyesight has fluctuated some--it was clearer on Wednesday than on Thursday & Friday last week--weird, I thought, but I called & the 'lady' said that it was 'NORMAL'. Okay, and it's NOT 'exact', YET--I need to be a BIT more PATIENT & WAIT for another couple of weeks to pass & it should be 'RIGHT ON' by then & just getting BETTER for the next 3 to 6 MONTHS, even!!!!!
So, even though I'm needing otc (over the counter) reading glasses to read & type on our computer, for now, that SHOULD PASS & I SHOULD be able to READ WITHOUT GLASSES in a while--YEA!!!!!!!!! I wonder IF I need a 'note' to go with my Driver's License, now--that 'says' my eyesight is corrected by glasses?????!!
It is VERY NEAT not needing to put my glasses on every morning when I get up!!!!!
SO, I WOULD DEFINITELY RECOMMEND any of you 'out there' to GET THIS SURGERY, if you can & IF you live around here--give me a call or email & I will GIVE YOU Dr. Grin's number--HE'S simply WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!
They will TAKE CARE of my eyes & ANY 'problems' that MIGHT arise for the NEXT YEAR on my one-time fee of ONLY $1,700 per eye!!!!! It's MUCH CHEAPER than it used to be & all computerized!!!
It's SUCH a BLESSING to be able to SEE GOOD with no 'on-going' correction!!!!!!!!!
THANK GOD!!!!!!!!! And, Dr. Grin & his experience & expertise!!!!!!! MUCH LOVE!

Saturday, June 2, 2007


I've been thinking about: 'THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT'--from Galatians 5:22-23, and in the past I've even tried to 'work' on some of them, from time to time, SPECIFICALLY--you know--TRYING to be MORE PATIENT, HAVE MORE JOY & SELF-CONTROL!

BUT, something 'came to me' as I was typing up those Bible verses for our 5th Grade Class this Sunday--THESE ARE FRUIT--like FROM A TREE--and, a Apple or Orange or Lemon TREE DON'T have to 'WORK' on producing their FRUIT--they JUST DO, because they ARE that tree.

So, MAYBE instead of my 'working' on 'becoming' better, I need to 'work on' WHO I AM--just BE MORE CHRIST-LIKE & have a CLOSER RELATIONSHIP with God & His Spirit IN ME & then I will 'automatically'/in season PRODUCE MY 'FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT'.

Sounds simple, but not 'easy'--takes time & effort & getting into God's WORD MORE. I already 'pray without ceasing' pretty good--I'm sure it could get better--but, once our 'boys' went off to College, I really GOT INTO THAT! I DO 'talk to/with God' ALL DAY LONG, off & on--even OUT LOUD sometimes, when I'm by myself (& our doggies--they're used to it/me). I feel like saying my REQUESTS OUT LOUD really 'gets the message' to God that I'M SERIOUS--plus, I repeat them, too, which I think is ok--I know He HEARD me the first time, but that way, it SHOWS Him HOW important it is TO ME!!!

Well, didn't mean to 'get off' on the Prayer 'thing'--BUT, I've never heard the 'FRUIT/TREE/WHO YOU ARE' thing before & wondered if I just 'MISSED IT' or IF no one has ever SAID IT???!!!!!!!!!
If not, I think it's RIGHT & TRUE & needs to be PASSED ON!!!

I'd LOVE to know what YOU think--out there--if you would like to comment.....MUCH LOVE!

Thursday, May 31, 2007



#1--I still know & can understand a LOT of 'FRENCH'--after studying it for 2 years in high school--40 years ago!

#2--Same goes for 'SHORTHAND'--36 years ago!

#3--DoctorS told me (us) I'd probably NEVER have CHILDREN & we had TWO MIRACLES and now have THREE GRANDbabies--PRAISE & THANK YOU, GOD!!!

#4--When I was young--I would lift up my SKIRT to rub my belly button. But, I stopped at age '23'--just kidding, I was actually '6'!!!!!! (I'm not proud of this one, but hubby said to add it.)

#5--I attended Christian schools all my life & was truly SHOCKED when I first heard folks cursing & lying & just being RUDE in my first job out of College--at ASU!!!!

#6--I have SUNG in some Chorus for at least 25 YEARS!!!!!

#7--I've NEVER broken a bone in my body (YET!)--BUT, my hubby has broken 32, so he's broken enough for OUR WHOLE FAMILY--although our AR Grandbaby broke his LEG tripping over a tennis ball last Summer at the Lake, so he's off to a FAST start, doesn't he?!!!!!

THANKS, Shalee for 'tagging' me on this--MY FIRST TAG--it made me come up with these!!! Her FANTASTIC blog can be 'found' at: http://shalees.blogspot.com/

And, IF now is the 'time' to 'TAG' a few others, I'm TAGGING AJ & Jamie to do the same--come up with '7 Things That Most Folks DON'T know About You'--can't wait to read them!!! MUCH LOVE to you ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 24, 2007


HOORAY!!! I've been cleared for Lasiks surgery on both my 'old' eyes!!!!! I'm SO excited--about being able to SEE without any glasses!!! I have an EXCELLENT Dr.--Grin--he SHOULD have worked on TEETH & not eyes, huh??!!!!! My 'time'/date is a week from Monday, JUNE 4th at 9 AM--so, say an 'extra' prayer for him & me & the procedure, please--that ALL WILL GO WELL!!!!! THX!!!!!

Monday, May 7, 2007


We had the BEST BLT's/Bacon/Lettuce/Tomato Sandwiches that I've EVER HAD the other night--HERE!!!!! I bought Texas Toast--& toasted one side of each piece in the oven WITH BUTTER--& Fresh Lettuce & Tomatoes at the store. Then, the BEST PART was the BACON my hubby had found at Sam's Club--it's got PEPPER all down one side--'WRIGHT' brand Natural Smoked THICK Sliced Peppered Bacon--we cooked it in the oven, too, and then finished it in our microwave, to make it crisp like we like it. Added a little mustard, like we like it--and, I'm telling you they were THE BEST BLT's EVER!!!!! And, I've had them all over--even in Myrtle Beach, SC!

I won't usually use my blog for posting recipes, but I just HAD to pass this one along--it was/is THAT GOOD--hope you try & ENJOY IT!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 4, 2007


Okay, I know I'm OVER '50', but just yesterday I learned SOMETHING NEW at the Dentist about FLOSSING MY TEETH!!!!! I have a WONDERFUL Dentist, Dr. Ruse, and I go get checked every 6 months, religiously; and this time I had 2 MORE CAVITIES--in between 4 of my FRONT TEETH--YIKES!!!!!

I have been flossing almost every night--in front of our TV. Well, I found out, for the first time, that it's REALLY BETTER to floss in FRONT of a MIRROR--to see what you're doing better--AND, it's also IMPORTANT to make sure that you floss ALL THE WAY AROUND each tooth. at your gums. I hadn't been doing EITHER ONE of those things, but will START, NOW & wanted to pass them on to ya'll--FOR FREE--we only get ONE SET of our OWN teeth--and, they are tied in to our OVER-ALL HEALTH, so we need to take care of them the BEST WE CAN--GOOD LUCK!!!

Sunday, April 29, 2007


This is mainly to/for the Ladies: Is there ANYONE ELSE out there who has the SAME problem I do with putting your bra ON?--it's almost always the LEFT side--and after I've looked at it & got it 'all right' & try to hook it together, the 'shoulder' strap is TWISTED with the 'back' strap--HOW DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING????? It's at least ONCE A WEEK for me & I'm really WONDERING if there are ANY OTHER WOMEN out there who are having the same problem & WHAT you've done about it to TRY to KEEP from CONTINUALLY HAPPENING!!!!
THANKS!--my only thought/idea is that my boob is TOO BIG for me to actually SEE if my straps are 'right' or not--does that sound possible?????

Monday, April 23, 2007


I certainly HOPE SO--because last week, we had 3 'bad' things happen to us.
First, on Sunday afternoon, our youngest son, injured his right shoulder very badly
PRACTICING for his new 'church league' Softball Team/League. It's been a few years
since he's played & he was very EXCITED to get back to playing, again. That's why
he DOVE for a ball getting past him quickly, playing Short Stop--when he used to Pitch &
play 3rd Base. Well, it got TO him faster than he thought it would & he ended up trying to
do a somersault, instead of just crashing to the ground, and didn't quite complete it. Well,
the ER took x-rays & put him in a sling, but NOTHING was broken, THANK GOD & he's doing MUCH BETTER, now. His 28th BD was last THURSDAY!!!!!

2ndly, our youngest GRANDson, Jack, who lives in Houston with our oldest son & his wife &
daughter, got another virus & high fever & with this one came 'intussusception'--a collapsed
bowel--he's not even '2', YET!!!!! The TX Children's Hospital is GREAT down there & they
did a 'Barium enema' to OPEN that part of his large intestine BACK UP & it worked & he ONLY spent one night in the hospital & got to go home--BUT, it RECURRED again 2 days later &
his Mom had to take him BACK & have the procedure done, again--THIS TIME WITH AIR, ONLY--which saved him/them that awful/BURNING diarrhea--and, it worked, AGAIN!!!!!
We are hoping his fever goes AWAY & he does NOT have any more occurences of this!!!!!!!!!

3rdly, at my husband's work, where he's the 'boss'/President, it was discovered--partly by/because of him--that they had Carbon Monoxide POISONING in their plant & he had
to send EVERYONE HOME!!!!!!!!! The Fire Department, who measures that, quickly found
their 'problem'--'new'/thicker ink--it's a Printing Plant--that had clogged up the expensive filters, which were no longer working & giving off this AWFUL GAS you can't/don't smell!!!!!
Everything was cleared/cleaned out that afternoon/evening & everyone got to go BACK to WORK the NEXT DAY--THANK GOD--with no further expenses or sicknesses--that he knows of, yet, anyway!!!!!

'They' all HIT me in my STOMACH--just like I had BEEN HIT in my stomach--especially the injury to our youngest son & the physical problem with our GRANDson--but, my husband is SUCH a GOOD BOSS, that those folks who work with him are LIKE OUR FAMILY, TOO--so, we are SO THANKFUL that no one was hurt or made sick OUT THERE!!!!!!!!!

WE both PRAYED A LOT MORE THAN USUAL this past week & I'm feeling REALLY CLOSE-R to OUR GOD, which is one VERY GOOD thing to come out of all of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plus, we realize that we are not 'promised' the next day, even, much less good health--but, we DO TRUST & BELIEVE that our God is 'WATCHING AFTER' & 'TAKING CARE OF US'!!!!!!!

I told our youngest son, he will be SO VERY GLAD 'the day' he wakes up IN NO PAIN, after this & will APPRECIATE feeling/being healthy, again, and in NO PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Probably MORE than we usually do, since we usually wake up with little or no pain. AND, we'll be THANKFUL when little Jack is ALL WELL & we are already THANKFUL that my hubby's plant/folks are back, productively working & making money, again.

Last week seemed to FLY BY, sort of, and yet, also, seemed to take 3 weeks to PASS--if you've been through similar things, you know what I mean. I definitely was in one of those 'male-like' TRANCES most of the days. And, I didn't necessarily get very much 'done' around our house, either. Our wash definitely STACKED UP!!!!!

BUT, THIS is a NEW WEEK, with new challenges and BLESSINGS & I'm HOPING that since we have had THREE 'bad'/WEIRD things happen to us last week--that 'THAT'S IT' for a while!!!!!

And, we THANK OUR GOD that things wereN'T WORSE--which I know & can ALWAYS think of something/things that COULD BE WORSE, when something does happen. AND, it was SO encouraging to see HOW FAST God worked to 'FIX' all 3 circumstances!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUCH FASTER than when I've prayed for things in the past!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU, GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OH, I don't want ANY of you feeling 'sorry' for us--just say a PRAYER, ALONG WITH US, of THANKSGIVING that our family & work family are ALL SAFE, tonight!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!

Saturday, April 21, 2007


I've been thinking about a neighbor's Rose Garden that USED to be SO beautiful! She was OUT tending it every day, sometimes even when it was cool and rainy! Well, I noticed about a year ago that it was looking poorly & there were not NEARLY as many pretty roses as there had been. Just the other day, I drove by, and that square of land that USED to be SO colorfully FULL of roses, is NOW FULL OF WEEDS!!!!! I, personally, think she moved or died.

So, it got me thinking that roses ARE LIKE PEOPLE--we NEED TENDING! If children/folks don't get their DAILY NEED OF LOVE taken care of by those who love them, they will not continue to BLOOM & be BEAUTIFUL, the WAY GOD INTENDED them/US TO BE!!!

Just a reminder--HAVE YOU TENDED YOUR 'GARDEN' of loved ones today?

Thursday, April 12, 2007


First, I want to say--"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to my WONDERFUL Mother-in-Law!!!!!--What a BLESSING she's been to us--MANY TIMES OVER!!!!!

And, then I want to tell you WHAT happened to us last Friday--I now call it our 'Retracing Our Steps' Day, because we ended up doing that TWICE!!! And, for those of you who don't know me that well, yet--I don't even like to go PAST a place & come back--calling that 'backtracking' & feeling like it's a WASTE of my time!!!

The first one/thing happened in the afternoon--Larry was off work that day and in a 'borrowed' car from the BMW place, while his 750 was getting fixed. It was a 325/smaller, but nice & new. We decided to go to Sam's & buy some things we were running short on, like toilet paper, etc. And, then we brought it all home, first, before he went to get HIS car.

Well, since it was RAINING & COLD, he decided to BACK the smaller car into our garage & I 'got out FAST'--remember that part--to help him back it up 'right'--then, we UNloaded it all & he left to go get HIS car. Traffic was really bad. which surprised us being the Friday before Easter, but there was a wreck on his way, so it took him OVER 30 minutes just to get there--then, on his way home, there was another wreck & it took him OVER 30 minutes, again, to get home!!!!! So, what SHOULD have only taken about 30 minutes total, took an hour!!!

We had already planned to eat out at our favorite Mexican place & then go to a movie later that night, so it was when we were leaving to go eat that I realized that I HAD LEFT my wallet in the FLOOR BOARD of that 'borrowed' BMW--which was NOW back at the Dealership!!!!!!!!! SO, we HAD to drive BACK there to get it!!!!! I had our 'cash' for the weekend in it, plus all the other important things that are in a woman's wallet.

But, the 2nd time he drove up there & back, it ONLY took him/us about 35 minutes, total, so that was good.
Our supper went by uneventfully, and it was at the movies that we/he had our 2nd RETRACING time--he always drops me off & I buy our tickets & have them & sometimes our food/drink by the time he gets inside. He also visited the restroom, and then we headed for our theater & THAT'S WHEN he realized that he had ACCIDENTALLY dropped his car keys OUT of his jeans pocket that had a HOLE in them!!!!!!!!!

So, he walked all the way back out to our car, from inside the Mall, and didn't/couldn't find them UNTIL he went BACK into the restroom & THERE THEY WERE, on the floor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, since we're NOT USED to needing/having to RETRACE our steps & ended up doing it TWICE in one afternoon--just hours apart--we're HOPING that this will TAKE CARE of that for a LONG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This may not come across FUNNY, but believe me, AS we were doing the 'lost wallet' one, it WAS FUN!!!!!!!! Of course, the 'lost car keys' one was MORE disturbing, but we knew, for sure, they were 'close', so we weren't TOO worried!!!!!

So, I guess the moral to this TRUE story is--when you end up having to RE-do something, just 'GO WITH THE FLOW' & "ENJOY YOURSELF"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's what we did & IT WAS FUNNY, at the time, TO US!!!!! Love Ya HONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Hello, ALL--Family & Friends, alike!!! I'm not exactly sure WHAT I will end up passing on to all of you in my blog--since our daughter-in-law 'set it all up' for me and now, I have had MANY ideas--some even serious!!!
I am a 54-year-old Christian Grandmother--we have 3 WONDERFUL GRANDchildren, at the moment--who got to STAY-AT-HOME to raise our 2 sons & now they both have their own families & live in other states.
I have been married to my WONDERFUL husband for 35 YEARS & we are TOTALLY enjoying doing everything together these days, once he gets home from work. He's been a GREAT 'provider', too.
Okay, I just HAVE to pass on to you something I just 'FOUND' at our Target the other day, but I'm sure they sell them in other stores, too--it's a FANTASTIC 'bread' from 'Archer Farms, called 'Mediterranean KALAMATA Olive Boule'--I've been eating it ever since I found/bought my first loaf--just slice it, put butter on it & 'zap' it in your microwave--IF you LOVE Kalamata Olives, like I do, AT ALL, you will LOVE this bread!!!!!!!
I may need to WRITE Archer Farms & tell them just HOW MUCH I LOVE their bread!!!!!!!!!!! I don't want to be/go ON too long in my first 'post', so I'll close, for now--and, now that I know HOW to do this, I will be writing often, I hope. MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, RoRo