Friday, October 17, 2008


Well, this one may really 'qualify' as 'RAMBLINGS, but.....

My sister-in-law's billfold & keys--thank goodness she left her purse in her car--were STOLEN OUT of her grocery cart the other day & it got me thinking........uh oh......

Anyway, because of our 'failing' Economy, I'm thinking that SOME folks may revert back to their REAL CHARACTER & make the decision to LIE, CHEAT or STEAL to get the money that they don't have & really NEED!!!!!

This saddens me, but it does make sense that 'IN HARD-ER TIMES' our TRUE CHARACTER SHINES THROUGH--whether that be GOOD or BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, since most of you who will read this blog are 'GOOD' people, I guess I'm writing this to 'WARN YOU' to BEWARE of those folks who are NOT!!!!!!!!! BE MORE DILIGENT & TAKE CARE of what you do have--THINK AHEAD & don't make it ANY EASIER for those 'other' folks to TAKE ANYTHING AWAY FROM YOU!!!!!!!!!

AND, ALSO BE HAPPY that you are NOT one of 'those folks' who would resort to illegal activities, no matter how hard things get!!!!!!!!! And, PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!
Because HE IS THE ONE who is 'really' TAKING CARE OF US ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MUCH LOVE TO YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!! MamaRose


~aj~ said...

We had no idea about Lisa's incident. That is so scary!

You're right, we are so, so blessed and should be thankful for that every single day.

Love you!

PS We have seen I Am Legend and both really liked it!

MamaRose said...

I'm sorry, I SHOULD have just 'said'/written--it was MELINA--not Lisa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry about that.

And, THANKS SO MUCH for commenting on my blog--YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE, so far, this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANKS, DEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOVE YOU, Mom

Redlefty said...

I agree that we all need to be careful, but I'm gonna have to disagree (respectfully!) that your readers are all good people who would never do such bad things as stealing.

I don't consider myself above any sort of criminal activity! Especially if times got really hard.

Luke 18:9-14 really convicts me on this one. Love you!

~aj~ said...

I just tagged you on my blog. Only do it if you want to. :)