Thursday, October 4, 2007


She's got a NEW BOOK just 'out' entitled 'THANK YOU POWER' that talks about HOW MUCH HAPPIER you will/can be WHEN you are MORE grateful/THANKFUL!!!!!!!!!

She did/does have a lot of 'Scientific' stuff/FACTS in there--that I didn't/wouldn't have access to, yet, but THE IDEA was the SAME as my LAST BLOG--we are/will be HAPPIER the more THANKFUL/GRATEFUL TO GOD we are for ALL OUR BLESSINGS!!!!!!!!!

How about that????!!!!!!!!!!!!! She was just on "Hannity & Colmes" (sp?)--Alan, anyway, saying that we ALL need to be MORE Thankful/Grateful for the 'LITTLE things' in our lives & I TOTALLY AGREE with her!!!!!!!!!!! In fact, if we're not TRYING to be AWARE of them, they'll just PASS US BY & we won't even RECOGNIZE/ACKNOWLEDGE them that they are/WERE EVEN IN OUR LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, I'm looking forward to buying & reading her book & gaining even MORE knowledge about it all!!!!!!!!! And, you just might WANT TO, TOO--that's WHY I wrote THIS blog!!!!!!!!

Last weekend most of our family met in Branson, MO, for a 'BD BASH WEEKEND' for ME--I'll be '55' on the 9th, next Tuesday, and my parents 'hosted' us ALL--9 adults & 3 children--at their Time Share there. We had a WONDERFUL TIME visiting & catching up & now, THIS WEEKEND, our youngest son, Matt & his GREAT Wife, AJ, and their FANTASTIC son, Adam, are coming HERE to visit & go to the Chiefs/Jacksonville Game on Sunday with us--So, I've got ANOTHER SUPER WEEKEND ahead of me & am ALREADY VERY THANKFUL & GRATEFUL for it/them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU, GOD, for my GREAT LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And, for ALL OUR HEALTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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