Saturday, June 2, 2007


I've been thinking about: 'THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT'--from Galatians 5:22-23, and in the past I've even tried to 'work' on some of them, from time to time, SPECIFICALLY--you know--TRYING to be MORE PATIENT, HAVE MORE JOY & SELF-CONTROL!

BUT, something 'came to me' as I was typing up those Bible verses for our 5th Grade Class this Sunday--THESE ARE FRUIT--like FROM A TREE--and, a Apple or Orange or Lemon TREE DON'T have to 'WORK' on producing their FRUIT--they JUST DO, because they ARE that tree.

So, MAYBE instead of my 'working' on 'becoming' better, I need to 'work on' WHO I AM--just BE MORE CHRIST-LIKE & have a CLOSER RELATIONSHIP with God & His Spirit IN ME & then I will 'automatically'/in season PRODUCE MY 'FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT'.

Sounds simple, but not 'easy'--takes time & effort & getting into God's WORD MORE. I already 'pray without ceasing' pretty good--I'm sure it could get better--but, once our 'boys' went off to College, I really GOT INTO THAT! I DO 'talk to/with God' ALL DAY LONG, off & on--even OUT LOUD sometimes, when I'm by myself (& our doggies--they're used to it/me). I feel like saying my REQUESTS OUT LOUD really 'gets the message' to God that I'M SERIOUS--plus, I repeat them, too, which I think is ok--I know He HEARD me the first time, but that way, it SHOWS Him HOW important it is TO ME!!!

Well, didn't mean to 'get off' on the Prayer 'thing'--BUT, I've never heard the 'FRUIT/TREE/WHO YOU ARE' thing before & wondered if I just 'MISSED IT' or IF no one has ever SAID IT???!!!!!!!!!
If not, I think it's RIGHT & TRUE & needs to be PASSED ON!!!

I'd LOVE to know what YOU think--out there--if you would like to comment.....MUCH LOVE!

1 comment:

~aj~ said...

I really thought I commented about this last week. Sorry!

I think this is a very good observation/insight into this scripture and I haven't ever thought of it like that.

Thanks for sharing!