Monday, June 11, 2007


'Oh Happy Day' or 'I'm NOT that far OFF'!!!!! All could be good titles for this post about my recent LASIKS SURGERY on both eyes. That last one is an EXACT QUOTE from my Dr. Grin--I know I told him he SHOULD have been an DENTIST--& he's going to have 2 kids become doctors, but they're NOT going to be Dentists, EITHER!!! I also asked him IF I could have that typed out & SIGNED by him!!!!!
The surgery itself went SUPER--only just a bit 'UNcomfortable' & my left eye NEVER hurt, AT ALL--isn't that AMAZING?!! My right eye FELT like I could FEEL where the first 'cut' went in--maybe just a tad too deep??? But, it went away & I was TOTALLY PAIN FREE in 2 DAYS--not bad, huh?!!
I can see our clock, at night & during the daytime, FROM our bed--YEA!!!!!!!!! Although, I don't wake up much during the night to want to know--it's a GOOD THING!
My eyesight has fluctuated some--it was clearer on Wednesday than on Thursday & Friday last week--weird, I thought, but I called & the 'lady' said that it was 'NORMAL'. Okay, and it's NOT 'exact', YET--I need to be a BIT more PATIENT & WAIT for another couple of weeks to pass & it should be 'RIGHT ON' by then & just getting BETTER for the next 3 to 6 MONTHS, even!!!!!
So, even though I'm needing otc (over the counter) reading glasses to read & type on our computer, for now, that SHOULD PASS & I SHOULD be able to READ WITHOUT GLASSES in a while--YEA!!!!!!!!! I wonder IF I need a 'note' to go with my Driver's License, now--that 'says' my eyesight is corrected by glasses?????!!
It is VERY NEAT not needing to put my glasses on every morning when I get up!!!!!
SO, I WOULD DEFINITELY RECOMMEND any of you 'out there' to GET THIS SURGERY, if you can & IF you live around here--give me a call or email & I will GIVE YOU Dr. Grin's number--HE'S simply WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!
They will TAKE CARE of my eyes & ANY 'problems' that MIGHT arise for the NEXT YEAR on my one-time fee of ONLY $1,700 per eye!!!!! It's MUCH CHEAPER than it used to be & all computerized!!!
It's SUCH a BLESSING to be able to SEE GOOD with no 'on-going' correction!!!!!!!!!
THANK GOD!!!!!!!!! And, Dr. Grin & his experience & expertise!!!!!!! MUCH LOVE!

1 comment:

~aj~ said...

What a blessing!!!