Saturday, September 17, 2011

DO YOU KNOW????!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, a LOT of folks didN'T like my last idea--but, I bet SOMETHING like that WOULD/SHOULD WORK, oh, well........

I've been reading all the books on HEAVEN I can find/get my hands on/download on my NEW KINDLE--gift from last Christmas that I just LOVE!!!!!!!!!

And, one thought that came to me the other night is: DO YOU KNOW THE ONE QUESTION that we ask ourselves & each other--even strangers--NOW, in THIS WORLD/ON EARTH that we WON'T EVER NEED TO ASK IN HEAVEN?????????

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"WHAT TIME IS IT?"--RIGHT? RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!--just THINK HOW MUCH 'time' we do have, now, that we WASTE by asking & especially WONDERING WHAT TIME IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!! RoRo

Monday, June 20, 2011


OKAY! I've had this IDEA before & just shared it with some close family & friends.

NOW, I'm gonna tell ANYONE OUT THERE who reads 'unknown' BLOGS--OK??!!!!!

I am FLAT TIRED of this FLOODING happening YEAR after YEAR after YEAR--always the SAME--SO/TOO MANY HOMES & BUSINESSES DESTROYED or DAMAGED!!!! (And, then MOST of the folks COME BACK & RE-BUILD in the EXACT SAME PLACE--duh?!!!) There's just TOO MUCH WATER in one place at any given time--when the ice up North melts, as our weather gets warmer, every year. We live in Kansas City, KS.

AND, it is equally SAD--VERY SAD--out in our SouthWest where drought & FIRES have NEEDED MORE WATER--DESPERATLY!!!!!!!!!

So, HERE'S MY IDEA: BUILD a BIG PIPELINE that starts up at the top of where the WATER starts to be too much/overflows once it melts in the Summer & bring it all the way down to the specific places that USUALLY have a BIG LACK of WATER during the Summers--Western Texas & points West, even--like to even HELP put OUT the awful, destructive, deadly FIRES that we've had again this year out in Arizona & New Mexico--and even in California!!!!!!!!!

This would NOT have to be built UNDER GROUND-would be quicker, I believe, if it was above ground, with the corrent amount/strength of supports.

NOW, probably the Government might need to 'Oversee' this, but EACH STATE that it goes through and especially HELPS could PROVIDE the HELP/WORKERS to actually DO the BUILDING--which would put LOTS of Americans who are now OUT OF JOBS, BACK TO WORK/GOOD PAYING WORK--"working with their hands"!!!!!!!!

The Environmentalists would have to just KEEP THEIR MOUTHS SHUT & realize that the GOOD this BIG, WATER PIPELINE would do/give to our WHOLE COUNTRY FAR OUTWEIGHS ANY 'damage' that MIGHT be done, temporarily, during the building of it--PLEASE, PLEASE!! Another thought--IF it were permitted for the sides to be PAINTED on/pictures/representing each state--that would involve MORE workers & make it LOOK BETTER--someone else could oversee THIS project.

Also, it could be taken ON DOWN to our Southern BORDER between TX, NM, AZ, & CA & MEXICO & DIG a BIG MOAT for the water to sit/end at & THEN, here's the piece de resistance--move over PLENTY of ALLIGATORS & CROCIDILES--either or both/whatever from the FLORIDA Glades & ADD them to the MOAT & VOILA! We would have SOLVED our MAJOR FLOODING, FIRE, AND ALIENS trying to get into OUR COUNTRY.

This BIG PROJECT--"THE USA WATER-SAVING PIPELINE" probably would even be BETTER origanized & run by a PRIVATE COMPANY--who could hire the workers in each state, as they came through them. Who knows? Maybe, after it WORKED SO WELL, we might decide to BUILD 2--side by side!!!!

And, we would NEED a MAJOR Manufacturing Company to MAKE ALL the pieces that would make up the Pipeline, plus the bindings & screws & supports, which would ALSO EMPLOYEE LOTS of GOOD AMERICANS who are currently WITHOUT A JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With some smart brains/folks & organization & lots of ideas/possibilities floating around--no pun meant there--ha!--THIS IDEA could put LOTS of us BACK TO WORK & SOLVE some of our MAJOR PROBLEMS in our COUNTRY, TODAY!!!!!!!!!

I'm thinking of sending this up to our President & Congressmen, but it doesn't HAVE to START from there--I do NOT CARE WHO decides to TAKE THIS ON--I'd just LIKE to BE REMEMBERED as the GRANDMOTHER of 6 WHO HAD THE FIRST IDEA--MAMAROSE or RORO WILSON--COME ON, SOMEONE--OUT THERE--TAKE THIS & 'GO WITH IT'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND, GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And, in the end, it would SOLVE so many of our Nation's pressing problems AND GIVE US ALL A LOT DEEPER LOVE FOR OUR COUNTRY & MORAL WOULD BE 'UP'!!!!!! Something we could ALL BE PROUD OF!!!!!!!! Whatdoyathink??!!!